
DIY Fertilizer Using Bananas

Banana peels have a lot of potassium and small amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium. This is what makes them such a great slow release natural houseplant fertilizer.  All you have to do is take your banana peels and let them soak in water for a couple of days. Next, take your banana peels out of the water and compost them, then water your plants with the banana-soaked water. It can be used on your indoor or outdoor plants. Another way to use bananas as fertilizer is to either lay strips of the banana peel onto the soil, or cut the peel into bits and mix it in with the soil. When the banana peels decompose, it releases the nutrients into the soil, making your houseplants healthy.

Make Your Own Pet Food

Your pet deserves the best. By making your own pet food, you can treat your pet while being more eco-friendly. There are a lot of suitable recipes online and make sure they are adapted to your pet. If any doubt, check with your vet. Here's an easy and quick chicken cat food recipe ! 🍗🐱 Ingredients 2 lbs boneless skinless chicken thighs 1 carrot, 1 potato, 1 butternut squash (you may want to choose small veggies if you are only cooking for one cat) 1 can sardines (whole) Olive oil Fresh herbs (oregano, sage, thyme, etc.) Instructions First, you will need to peel and chop up your veggies and toss them on a cookie sheet drizzled with olive oil, bake in the oven at 350 degrees for roughly half an hour, or until they are soft enough to mash up with a fork. Meanwhile, heat a frying pan on the stove with a few teaspoons of olive oil. Slice your chicken into strips and saute like you would for yourself. Finally, mix cooked chicken, baked veggies, and herbs in a bowl and

Indoor Plants

Have you heard about indoor pollution? According to the World Health Organization, 3.8 million deaths are attributed to household air pollution annually. Indoor pollutants include mould, building materials, home products, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and naturally occuring gases like radon. NASA researched ways to clean indoor air in space stations back in the 1980s. They identified air-purifying plants that are highly effective at cleaning the air from pollutants. 🌱 10 Air-Purifying Plants 🌱 + Aloe Vera + + Areca Palm + + Bamboo Palm + + Boston Fern + + Devil's Ivy / Money Plant + + Dracaena + + English Ivy + + Ficus / Weeping Fig / Rubber Plant + + Mother in Law's Tongue / Snake Plant + + Philodendron + It is recommended to have one of the every 100 square feet of indoor space.

Egg Freshness Test

Millions of eggs are wasted because of the "best before" date, even when they are still good to eat. Avoid food waste and follow this simple tip to find out if your eggs are still good to eat. Put your egg in a glass of cold water. If the egg sinks to the bottom and lie fresh on the side, it is still fresh. If it is less fresh but still good to eat, it will stand on one end at the bottom of the glass. If it floats to the surface, it is no longer fresh enough to eat and should be discarded. Have an eggcellent day! 🥚✨

Switch to Rechargeable Batteries

Use electronics with rechargeable batteries and avoid single-use ones.  You will save money but most importantly you will reduce the amount of waste. At the end of the life cycle of the batteries, always recycle them in dedicated containers. Batteries are toxic and should not be sent to landfill.

Give a Second Life to Your Old Clothes

Don't throw away your clothes! 🙅‍♀️ There are many ways you can give them a second life. You can make some money by selling them, you can swap them with your friends or family, you can donate them to charities, or you can even cut them and be creative by giving them a new use like handkerchiefs or clean cloths. Last resort, you can take them to collection points for recycling but please don't throw them away!

Use Lemon or Lime as Natural Deodorant

Are you looking for a super simple natural deodorant recipe? Use lemon or lime as deodorant! It is 100% natural and incredibly effective. Lemon juice contains citric acid, which kills bacteria and odour. It will last easily for up to 24 hours. You can reuse the same lemon for a whole week, and it will keep the odours away! Oh and by the way, this 100% natural alternative will save packaging waste, plastic waste, and unwanted chemicals in your body. Remember, lemon and lime juice is a great deodorant alternative, but it is not an antiperspirant. It will not block sweat, just remove bad odours. If you are looking to protect your skin, avoid antiperspirants as they contain ingredients like aluminium, that block pores of our skin to prevent us from sweating. However, sweating is one of our main body's functions to release toxins from our system. Other harmful ingredients that can be found in antiperspirants and some deodorants are triclosan, propylen

Treat Your Hair with Pasta Water

The water you used to cook pasta is a great treatment for your hair. Instead of throwing it down the drain, use it to get a beautifully smooth hair while saving some water with this tip 💁‍♀️ After cooking your pasta, the water is full of starch, which is rich in minerals and vitamins. There's plenty of selenium, magnesium, folic acids, vitamins B1 through B6, niacins, and vitamin K which are ideal for a hair treatment. Here are the steps you can follow: 1. Just let the water cool down a bit not to burn yourself, and massage it in your hair. 2. Leave for 10 minutes. 3. Rinse it out, and wash your hair with your regular shampoo. This method also works with rice water 👍

Say NO to Paper Receipts

Every year, billions of paper receipts are wasted around the world. These receipts are NOT recyclable, because they are produced on thermal paper, coated with bisphenol A (BPA). In order to produce these receipts, millions of gallons of water, millions of trees and millions of gallons of oil are required. All for what? Best case scenario, these receipts will go straight to the trash, if not just thrown away on the floor or taken away by the wind. Just say NO when asked if you need a receipt (unless you really need it). Most of the times, shops will print one copy for them automatically. However they often ask if you need a copy, just answer "No thanks." Many big retailers are also putting in place electronic receipts, which can be a good alternative if you really need a receipt, for expenses claim for example.

How to Dispose of a Face Mask

Face masks are being discarded everywhere (on the floor, on the beach, on the streets) and could become a health and environmental hazard. For your safety and to protect the environment, learn how to correctly dispose of your face mask, following the World Health Organization guidance. Disposable face masks should not be reused and cannot be recycled. So when your mask is damp, replace it with a new one following these steps: 1. Remove your mask from behind without touching the front of your mask 2. Discard it immediately in a closed bin (non-recyclable) 3. Wash your hands with soap (or rub them with alcohol-based sanitizer) Never throw away your mask on the floor. It can be dangerous and it could be infected. It could also be taken away by animals, or by the wind and end up in the sea, river, or nature.